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The Workshop on Enabling ICT for Smart Buildings aims to bring together researchers from the academia and the industry in order to establish a multidisciplinary community interested in the domain of Smart Building. The Workshop aims at facilitating knowledge transfer and synergy, bridging the gaps between different research domains, paving the way for common purposes, and identifying new opportunities and challenges in the domain of ICT for Smart Buildings. Candidates are invited to submit 6 pages papers for the Workshop on Enabling ICT for Smart Buildings, co-­organized with The 5th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-­2014). We solicit stimulating, original, previously unpublished ideas on completed work, position papers, and/or work‐in-progress papers. We further encourage papers that propose new research directions or could generate lively debate at the workshop.


Theworkshop comprehends the following major topics:

  • Technologies for integration of embedded computers, wired or wireless sensor networks, every-­day appliances, smart gateways, and building network protocols

  • Real‐time communication with physical objects (e.g., syndication, streaming, Web push mechanisms)

  • Sensor and actuator resources discovery, search, composition, and physical mashups

  • Use of semantic technologies to describe building resources and to facilitate the interaction between sensors and actuators, e.g. ontologies, embedded metadata, microdata, microformats, and context.

  • Security, privacy, access control, and sharing of resources and data inside buildings.

  • Distributed computing and sensing approaches in the context of constrained devices.

  • Automation of buildings using open and standardized technologies, for example Internet of Things and Web of Things.

  • End user applications, use-­cases, deployments, and evaluations of ICT systems in the context of Smart Homes, Smart Buildings and Smart Neighborhood.

  • Modeling technologies for energy efficiency in buildings and indoor environment comfort.


All submissions should follow the Elsevier guidelines as specified for the ANT-­2014 conference. Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop and will be published by Elsevier and included in the ANT‐2014 proceedings.


Papers can be registered and submitted with easychair by following this link:



Call for papers

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